Department of Mechanical Engineering


The Department of Mechanical Engineering at IIT Palakkad is dedicated to academic excellence and cutting-edge research. With a strong foundation in fundamental and applied engineering sciences, the department strives to equip students with the necessary skills to tackle real-world engineering challenges. Our programs emphasize innovation, interdisciplinary learning, and industry collaboration to foster a holistic engineering education. 

  • Number of faculty: 25
  • Number of staff: 12
  • Number of students (UG+PG): 150
  • Number of research scholars (PhD+MS): 62 


Programs Offered

  • B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering: A four-year undergraduate program that provides a solid foundation in mechanical engineering principles and hands-on experience in design, manufacturing, and thermo fluids. (link to curriculum & syllabus)
  • M.Tech in Thermofluids Engineering: Focuses on the study of fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and thermodynamics, with applications in energy systems, propulsion, HVAC, and sustainable energy solutions. (link to curriculum) 
  • M.Tech in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering: This specialization focuses on modern manufacturing techniques, materials science, and process optimization. It covers advanced machining, additive manufacturing, materials characterization, and surface engineering, equipping students with the knowledge to develop high-performance materials and efficient manufacturing solutions. (link to curriculum)
  • M.Tech in Design and Automation: Integrates mechanical design, robotics, and automation to develop innovative engineering solutions in product development, mechatronics, and intelligent systems. (link to curriculum)
  • MS(R) in Mechanical Engineering: A research-intensive master's program designed for students aiming to specialize in advanced mechanical engineering domains, equipping them with in-depth knowledge and hands-on research experience. (link to regulations)
  • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering: A research-driven program focused on developing innovative solutions to contemporary engineering challenges. (link to regulations)


Research Areas

The department actively engages in research across diverse domains, including:

  • Thermal and Fluids Engineering: Fluid Flow, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Renewable Energy, Alternative Fuels, Combustion, Droplets & Spray, CFD
  • Manufacturing and Materials Engineering: Ultra-Precision Machining, Metal Matrix Composites, Machining, Micro Machining, Non-Conventional Machining, Abrasive Machining, Metal Forming, Experimental and Computational Plasticity across length scales, Digital twins for manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, Surface Engineering, Welding, Characterization
  • Design and Solid Mechanics: Robotics, Vibrations, Acoustics, Rotodynamic, Applied Mechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Elasticity, Nonlinear Elasticity and Viscoelasticity Contact Mechanics, Tribology, Underwater Vehicles.


Major Equipment and Facilities

The department is equipped with advanced instruments for research and teaching, including: 

  • Battery test system
  • CNC Hybrid Micro Machine
  • Compression Moulding Machine
  • Computational Materials Processing 
  • Computerised IC Engine Test Set up
  • Contact angle Measuring system
  • Die sink EDM
  • Dry Electro Polishing
  • Environmental Chamber
  • IR Camera
  • Laser Diagnostic Equipment
  • Laser marker
  • LPBF 3D metal printer
  • Micro Machining Center
  • Micro Nano Indenter (Instrumented Indentation)
  • Modular production system
  • Piezoelectric Dynamometers (for Micro & Macro machining)
  • Plasma Polishing Machine
  • Precision Grinding Center
  • Programmable Muffle Furnace
  • Rolling Contact Fatigue Testing Machine
  • Rolling Mill
  • Stir Casting with Ultrasonic Cavitation
  • Thermal Property measurement system
  • Thermo Vacuum setup
  • TIG, MIG Welding setup
  • Ultra-precision diamond turning 
  • Universal Testing Machine (100 kN)
  • Universal Tribometer
  • Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
  • Wire Cut EDM

These facilities support experimental and numerical research and hands-on learning in various domains of mechanical engineering. 



Our faculty members are experts in their respective fields and actively contribute to research and industry collaborations. They have extensive academic and industrial experience, fostering a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

Thermal and Fluids Engineering: Prof. T Sundararajan, Prof. Anand TNC, Dr. Ganesh Natarajan, Dr. Samarjeet Chanda, Dr. Krishna Sesha Giri, Dr. Pramod Kunitkana, Dr. Vineed Narayanan, Dr. Arijit Hazra.

Manufacturing and Materials Engineering: Dr. Kesavan D, Dr. Chakradhar Dupadu, Dr. Kanmani Subbu S, Dr. Afzaal Ahmed, Dr. Buchibabu Vicharapu, Dr. Dinesh Setti, Dr. Chaitanya Paramatmuni, Dr. Kali Prasad.

Design and Solid Mechanics: Prof. A. Seshadri Sekhar, Prof. Sovan Lal Das, Prof. Mayank Tiwari, Prof. Santhakumar Mohan, Dr. Surendra KVN, Dr. Anoop Akkoorath Mana, Dr. Nelson Muthu, Dr. Soumya Mukherjee, Dr. Sagi Rathna Prasad.


Recent Publications: (last one year)

  • Kumar P.V., Birru A.K., Muthu N. Novel Approach for Processing and Fabricating PLA/MgTiO3 Composite Filaments in Biomedical 3D Printing with Enhanced Mechanical and Thermal Properties, (2025) Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, art. no. e00191
  • Saikia P.J., Kumar A., Kumar M., Muthu N. Cohesive zone parameters to predict mixed-mode delamination in CFRP reinforced with hydroxyl functionalized MWCNTs: Experimental and numerical investigations, (2024) Engineering Failure Analysis, 164, art. no. 108656
  • Boban J., Ahmed A., Effect of material composition on the action of surface active medium in ultra-precision microcutting, (2024) Procedia CIRP, 123, pp. 244 - 249
  • Anil B., Gajbhiye S., Mohan S. A lie group PMP approach for optimal stabilization and tracking control of autonomous underwater vehicles, (2025) International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 35 (1), pp. 222 – 248.
  • Rajamurugan G., Prabu K., Muralidharan B., Subbu S.K. Structural behavior of aerospace materials, (2024) Aerospace Materials: Novel Technologies and Practical Applications, pp. 405 – 433.
  • Raja S., Melkani U., Sarma R., Kapil S., Muthu N. A method for realizing continuous tungsten fiber-reinforced steel matrix composites by wire-arc-based directed energy deposition, (2025) Composite Structures, 354, art. no. 118811.
  • Peter J., Thomas M.J., Gokulkrishna S., Cholappally K., Mohan S. Development of an Intuitive Autonomous Ground Robot for Indoor Delivery Applications, (2025) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 33 – 43.
  • Viswam S.D., Mohan S., Suneesh S.S. Next-Gen Robotic Knee Rehabilitation Exoskeleton Technology, (2024) 2024 IEEE Students Conference on Engineering and Systems: Interdisciplinary Technologies for Sustainable Future, SCES 2024.
  • Kumar A., Saikia P.J., Narayanan R.G., Muthu N. Experimental and numerical analysis of mixed mode bending of adhesive-bonded and hybrid honeycomb core sandwich structures. (2025) International Journal of Solids and Structures, 309, art. no. 113177.
  • Lochan K., Roy B.K., Subudhi B., Mohan S. Robust control algorithms for two-link flexible manipulators, (2024) Robust Control Algorithms for Two-link Flexible Manipulators, pp. 1 – 236.
  • Pramod A.S., Mohan S., Thondiyath A. Design and Analysis of a Human-Centric Shoulder Exoskeleton to Improve the Range of Motion, (2024) Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems, CBS 2024, pp. 267 – 272.
  • John I., Mohan S., Wenger P. Kinetostatic Analysis of a Spatial Cable-Actuated Variable Stiffness Joint, (2024) Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 16 (9), art. no. 091003.
  • Boban J., Ahmed A. Electric discharge aided surface post-treatment of laser powder bed fused non-planar metallic components for enhanced form accuracy, (2024) Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 109, pp. 564 – 582.
  • Varghese V., Sharma P., Ramesh M.R., Chakradhar D., Dhasan S. Experimental Investigation on Surface Integrity in Cryogenic Machining of Maraging Steel, (2025) Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance.
  • Simson D., Paul C.P., Subbu S.K. Experimental study and neural network model based prediction of layer thickness influence on LPBF IN625 single track geometry, (2024) Optics and Laser Technology, 173, art. no. 110543.
  • Singh T.K., Birru A.K., Muthu N. Optimization of Key Forging Parameters for Reduced Stress in Titanium Alloy Knee Implants: A Finite Element Analysis Through Taguchi’s Method, (2024) Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C.
  • Anand S.K., Chakradhar D. Hybrid and non-traditional manufacturing of bioimplants, (2024) Bioimplants Manufacturing: Fundamentals and Advances, pp. 158 – 182.
  • Kumar A., Narayanan R.G., Muthu N. Enhancing the performance of honeycomb core sandwich panels through friction stir spot welding strategies and fracture of lap shear specimen, (2024) Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures.
  • Rybak L., Carbone G., Mohan S., Gaponenko E., Malyshev D., Voloshkin A. New design and construction of a mechanical gripping device with a telescopic link of a fruit harvesting robot, (2024) Robotica.
  • Pandiyan M.R., Pankajakshan A., Perugu C.S., Vicharapu B., Kailas S.V. Towards understanding the structure-property evolution mechanisms in wrought-to-printed and printed-to-printed linear friction welded Ti alloy near net blanks for aerospace applications, (2025) Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 338, art. no. 118756.
  • Rapaka R., Ladi H., Raja D., Muvvala G., Mukherjee T., Vicharapu B. Understanding in-process responses in multi-layer friction stir additive manufacturing: Temperature, viscosity, tool torque, and mechanical properties, (2024) Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 330, art. no. 118491.
  • Pramod A.S., Mohan S., Thondiyath A. A modified human shoulder model considering the migration of the humeral head from the scapular glenoid fossa for the design of shoulder exoskeletons, (2024) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science.
  • Simson D., Subbu S.K. Investigating the tribological performance of bioimplants, (2024) Bioimplants Manufacturing: Fundamentals and Advances, pp. 258 – 283.
  • Sathisha C.H., Ka H., Arivu Y., Pramod S., Sridhar M.R., Buravalla V., Kesavan D. Influence of Heat Treatment on Fretting Wear Behavior of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Inconel 718 Alloy, (2024) Journal of Tribology, 146 (11), art. no. 114202 EN.
  • Usha Rani S., Sadhasivam M., Kesavan D., Pradeep K.G., Kamaraj M. A multi-scale microscopic study of phase transformations and concomitant α/β interface evolution in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V alloy, (2024) Materials Science and Engineering: A, 900, art. no. 146400.
  • Thomas M.J., Kumar Mohanta J., Sahoo S., Mohan S. Simulink-Based Comparative Study and Selection of a Controller for a Waist-Assistive Exoskeleton, (2024) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 267 – 280.
  • Rejith R., Arivu Y., Kesavan D., Chakravarthy P., Narayana Murty S.V.S. Relating rolling contact fatigue (RCF) life to the microstructure evolution in aerospace grade bearing steels: A comparison of Cronidur-30 with AISI 440C, (2024) International Journal of Fatigue, 186, art. no. 108421.
  • Sunny S.P., Das S., Efficient FFT-Based CNN Acceleration with Intra-Patch Parallelization and Flex-Stationary Dataflow, (2024) Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems.
  • Geethapriyan T., Palani I.A., Singh M.K., Rai D.K., Shanmuga Priyan V.G., Subbu S.K. Post-processing of Wire Arc Additive Manufactured Stainless Steel 308L to Enhance Compression and Corrosion Behavior using Laser Shock Peening Process, (2024) Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 33 (17), pp. 9267 – 9281.
  • Ranju M.R., Abhilash P.M., Kesavan D. Rolling contact fatigue studies on AISI 4140 steel under formulated lubrication conditions with nano graphene additives, (2024) Wear, 544-545, art. no. 205311.
  • Sathisha C.H., Arivu Y., Pramod S., Sridhar M.R., Kesavan D. Exploring elevated temperature fretting wear behaviour of wrought and laser powder bed fusion IN718 superalloy, (2024) Tribology International, 192, art. no. 109279.
  • Emany S., Kumar A.S.A., Vijayakumar S., Das S. A Novel Inductive Sensor For Simultaneous Linear and Angular Displacement Measurement, (2024) Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference.
  • Sathisha C.H., Kesavan D., Sridhar M.R., Arivu Y., Pramod S. Large area contact fretting wear mechanisms of heat-treated IN718 produced via laser powder bed fusion under elevated temperature, (2024) Wear, 550-551, art. no. 205425.
  • Baishya M.J., Muthu N., Khanikar P. In pursuit of a high-performance mechanical metamaterial: Simple-cubic-octahedral plate lattice, (2024) International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 272, art. no. 109189.
  • Baishya M.J., Muthu N., Khanikar P. A Multi-phase Strut-plate Lattice Design Having Enhanced Strength, Stiffness, and Energy Absorption Ability, (2024) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 321 – 330.
  • Thangamani G., Palani I.A., Singh M.K., Rai D.K., Priyan V.G.S., Subbu S.K. Correction to: Post-processing of Wire Arc Additive Manufactured Stainless Steel 308L to Enhance Compression and Corrosion Behavior using Laser Shock Peening Process , (2024) Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 33 (17), pp. 9282.
  • Sahu A., Subbu S.K., Palani I.A. Surface coating, texturing, and engraving of bioimplants, (2024) Bioimplants Manufacturing: Fundamentals and Advances, pp. 118 – 136.
  • Simson D., Subbu S.K., Study on track width of various curvature angles in laser powder bed fusion deposition, (2024) Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 9 (2), pp. 231 – 236.
  • Boban J., Abhilash P.M., Ahmed A., Post-processing of additively manufactured metallic bioimplants: Approaches, challenges, and future trends, (2024) Bioimplants Manufacturing: Fundamentals and Advances, pp. 206 – 231.
  • Kumar A., Muthu N., Ganesh Narayanan R. Prediction of peel strength of sandwich sheets made of aluminium alloys fabricated by friction stir spot welding based hybrid process using cohesive zone modeling and finite element simulations, (2024) Engineering Failure Analysis, 162, art. no. 108381.
  • Parameswaran P., Gairola S., Kesavan D., Jayaganthan R. A Study on Compression Behavior and Fracture Morphology in Dumbbell-Shaped Ti6Al4V Lattice Structures Fabricated through Additive Manufacturing, (2024) Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, art. no. 138330.
  • Pramod A.S., Adithya R.N., Palani P., Varala N.V., Panigrahi S., Mohan S., Thondiyath A. Development of a Novel Three-Axis Force Sensor-Based Monitoring Device for Static Shoulder Therapy, (2024) 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering, ic-ETITE 2024.
  • Boban J., Ahmed A., Gokcekaya O., Nakano T. Ultra-precision surface treatment of beta-titanium alloy printed using laser and electron beam melting sources, (2025) CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 58, pp. 1 – 19.
  • Saikia P.J., Muthu N. Estimation of CZM Parameters for Investigating the Interface Fracture of Adhesively Bonded Joints Under Mode I, Mode II, and Mixed-Mode (I/II) Loading, (2024) Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 47 (12), pp. 4636 – 4649.
  • Ellappan S., Ahmed A., Rahman M.A. Experimental investigation on extrinsic size effect in micro-orthogonal cutting of commercial aluminium alloy, (2024) Precision Engineering, 88, pp. 915 – 926.
  • Rahman M.A., Tauhiduzzaman M., Ahmed A. Material perspective in ultra-precision machining, (2024) Comprehensive Materials Processing: Volume 1-13, Second edition, 10, pp. V10:18 - V10:36.
  • Boban J., Abhilash P.M., Ahmed A., Rahman M.A. An overview on post-processing of metal additive manufactured components, (2024) Comprehensive Materials Processing: Volume 1-13, Second edition, 10, pp. V10:231 - V10:270.
  • Boban J., Deshmukh S.M., Ahmed A. Influence of Heat Treatment on Ultra-Precision Finishing Performance of Laser Powder Bed-Fused AlSi10Mg Alloys, (2025) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 9 – 20.
  • Sachin E.K., Muthu N., Tiwari P. Hybrid recycling methods for fiber reinforced polymer composites: A review, (2024) Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites.
  • Sajan C.S., Martin K.J.M., Das S., Coussy P. SplitMS: Split Modulo-Scheduling for Accelerating Loops Onto CGRAs, (2024) Proceedings - 2024 27th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2024, pp. 242 – 249.
  • Sahu A., Kamaraj M., Kesavan D. Experimental Investigation on Fretting Wear Behavior of Additively Manufactured Inconel 718, (2024) Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 33 (16), pp. 8434 – 8451.
  • Rakesh P.R., Chakradhar D. Multi-response optimisation and performance evaluation of Inconel 625 superalloy machining under cryogenic cooling environment, (2024) Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 10 (3), pp. 1303 – 1319.
  • Kumar N.V., Chakradhar D., Abhilash P.M. Advancing bioimplant manufacturing through artificial intelligence, (2024) Bioimplants Manufacturing: Fundamentals and Advances, pp. 284 – 312.
  • Muhamed Jamshir M., Vijayakumar S., Das S., Thiyagarajan K., Kodagoda S. A Novel Direct Digitizer for Leaky Differential Capacitive Sensors Using Phase Sensitive Integration, (2024) IEEE Sensors Letters, 8 (2), art. no. 5500504, pp. 1 – 4.
  • V.G Shanmuga Priyan., Subbu S.K. Effect of tool feed rate and tool rotation speed on the microchannel geometry of AA6063-SiC composites machined by micro ED milling, (2024) Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies.


Contact Information

Head of the Department

Dr. Dinesh Setti


Phone: 0491-209-1450


Department Office


Phone: 0491-209-1451


Applied Mechanics Lab


Phone: 0491-2091499 Ext 5-8154


Central Workshop


Phone: 0491-2091499 Ext 6-8155


Design and Manufacturing Lab


Phone: 0491-2091499 Ext 1-8150


Thermo Fluids Lab


Phone: 0491-2091499 Ext 3-8152




Research Scholars