The reins at IIT Palakkad change hands

Wed, 12th Oct, 2022 - 12:00 am

Today is an important day in the story of IIT Palakkad that began in 2015. We bid farewell to Prof P.B Sunil Kumar the founding Director and welcome our new Director Prof. Seshadri Sekhar as he takes charge.

The Board of Governors, Advisory Council, faculty , staff , students and alumni of IIT Palakkad place on record their appreciation and acknowledgment of the work done by Prof Sunil and the founding team of this learning community to place the Institute on a sound footing. A building is only as strong as its foundation, and  there is much that Prof Sunil can be proud of in this regard.  With the strong head start that he has nurtured for a fledgling IIT Palakkad, we trust the 'baby' that is IIT_PKD has a colourful childhood, flamboyant adolescence, responsible adulthood and much creative innovation and independence ahead.  Thank you and adieu Prof. Sunil...fare-thee-well, and do stay in touch!

The Institute community takes this opportunity to welcome Prof. Seshadri Sekhar to our midst. He takes over a vibrant, energetic and dynamic institution which is raring to go. We hope he is strengthened by the knowledge that he can bank on the support and commitment of all here to move IIT Palakkad to stage 2 in the coming  years. The current community has laid out our thinking in the form of our Purpose / Vision statement. It is now that our real test comes - to translate intent to action. All the best to you Prof Sekhar in this new assignment and we look forward to taking IIT Palakkad to greater heights with you at the helm.