IIT Palakkad hosts seminar with expert on Green Chemistry and Heterogeneous Catalysis for Energy and Environmental Applications
The Institute's Chemistry Department was delighted to host Dr. Venkata Krishnan, Associate Professor, IIT Mandi as he discussed the work of his research group, in the field of Green Chemistry and Heterogeneous Catalysis for Energy and Environmental Applications. Explaining the relevance of the work in upholding Green Chemistry Principles and UN-SDGs, he delved into how the group recently developed several two dimensional carbon (reduced graphene oxide and graphitic carbon nitride) supported nanostructured photocatalysts based on semiconductors, plasmonic materials, perovskite structures and upconversion nanoparticles. These can utilize the full solar spectrum from ultraviolet to infrared regions for energy generation and environmental remediation applications. In addition to photocatalytic hydrogen generation, nitrogen fixation and pollutants degradation, the research group has also utilized these materials for biomass conversion, carbon dioxide reduction and Green organic transformations. The highlights of this ongoing research work made for an informative and engaging exchange at the Ahalia Campus Auditorium today.