B.Tech Orientation 2022-23 in full swing at IIT Palakkad

Fri, 28th Oct, 2022 - 12:00 am

The Institute is delighted to have the 156 student strong B.Tech batch of the current academic year on campus. The batch will be the first to partake in a dynamic choice-based credit curriculum being implemented from this year onwards. While a standard course plan will be provided for students who so desire to complete all the credit requirements in 4 years,  each student is also free to modify it as they go. New regulations also allow the students to choose multiple degree options such as B.Tech, B.Tech with Honours, B.Tech with Honours (by Research), B.Tech with Minor, B.Tech-M.Tech dual degree, and B.Tech double major. 

The three-day orientation for the freshers that began yesterday was inaugurated by Prof. A. Seshadri Sekhar, Director, IIT Palakkad. The Chief Guest on the occasion was Prof. LS Ganesh, Member, Board of Governors of the Institute. Besides interacting with the Director, Deans and HoDs, having departmental orientations, participating in sessions related to Physical Training, Yoga, Counselling and English Language Proficiency, the students were also treated to a live Kathakali performance at Agora, the Nila Campus auditorium.