Before joining IIT Palakkad as a faculty, Dr. Ankesh Kumar worked as Assistant Professor in the Geotechnical Division, Department of Civil Engineering, SVNIT Surat (from Oct 2019 to Dec 2022).
B. Tech in Civil Engineering from NIT Trichy.
M.Tech in Rock Engineering and Underground Structures from IIT Delhi.
Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering from IIT Delhi. -
Title - Performance evaluation of tunnel and slope support systems against the coupled effect of freeze-thaw cycle and dynamic loading. (SERB Sponsored, Role - PI)
Amount – Rs. 4457332
Start Date – 22 / 02/ 2023
Title- “Enhancing Geothermal Heat Extraction from Abandoned Oil Field” (Seed Grant Project of the IIT Palakkad, Role - PI)
Amount – Rs. 25 Lakhs
Start Date – 03/06/2024
Courses Taught
SVNIT Surat IIT Palakkad Engineering Mechanics (Theory and Lab.) Rock Engineering (Theory) Geotechnical Engineering (Theory and Lab.) Underground Structures (Theory) Building Technology (Theory and Lab) Soil Engineering (Theory and Lab.) - PG Rock Mechanics (Theory and Lab.) Soil Mechanics (Theory and Lab.) - UG Low Cost Construction (Theory) Constitutive Modelling in Geomechanics (Theory) -
Research Group
Research Scholars
S. No Name Topic Status 1 Ms. Geetanjali Lohar Time - Dependent Behavior of Tunnels Thesis Submitted at SVNIT (2025) 2 Mr. Chappidi Srinivas Geothermal Energy Thesis Submitted at SVNIT (2025) 3 Ms. Kanchan S Patil Utilization of OB in Railway Construction Ongoing at SVNIT 4 Mr. M. Naveen Dynamic Response of Rocks and Shotcrete Ongoing at IIT Palakkad 5 Mr. K. Rugesh Underground Energy Storage and Extraction Ongoing at IIT Palakkad 6 Ms. Sudha Gautam Landslide Mitigation Measures Ongoing at IIT Palakkad 7 Mr. Ragupathi A P Solar Energy Storage Ongoing at IIT Palakkad M.Tech. Students
Mr. Ravindra Kumar Burnwal (2021)
Mr. Rapan Chandan Hrishikesh (2021)
Mr. Poralla Venkata Satheesh (2022)
Mr. M Naveen (2022)
Mr. Shashank Shekhar Chaubey (2022)
Mr. Vikram Ramesh Garasiya (2022)
Mr. Mitulkumar Rao (2023)
Mr. Rohan Singh (2023)
Mr. Ajil B S (2023)
Ms. Vrutika Patelwala (2023)
B.Tech Students
Mr. Vasu Goyal (2021)
Mr. Sanjay Rai Verma (2021)
Mr. Shubham Parmar (2021)
Mr. Shivam Garg (2022)
Mr. Chirag Bhutra (2022)
Mr. Himanshu Rajoria (2022)
Additional Information
TitleAdditional InformationDescription
- IGS – HEICO Prize for the best paper on “Rock Mechanics” published in Indian Geotechnical Journal
- Life Member - Indian Geotechnical Society
- Life Member of IGS – Delhi Chapter
- Member - The Institution of Engineers (India)
- Affiliate Member - ASCE
- Reviewer of Indian Geotechnical Journal, Geosynthetics International, Geomechanics and Engineering, J. Geological Society of India, SN Applied Sciences, Scientific Reports – Nature, and Shock and Vibration - Hindawi, Arabian Journal of Geosciences
ASCE (Geo - Institute) Technical Committee Member
- Underground Engineering and Construction TC
- Rock Mechanics TC
- Laboratory In-charge – Geotechnical Engineering Lab, Rock Mechanics Lab, and Geology and Geophysical Lab at SVNIT
- Warden :- Gajjar Bhavan SVNIT
- Joint Organizing Secretary for Indian Geotechnical Conference 2019 at SVNIT Surat.
- Co-ordinator for “Advances in Geotechnical Engineering” TEQIP III sponsored STTP – 2020
- Co-ordinator for “Metro-Rail Construction and Management” TEQIP III sponsored STTP – 2020
- Delivered Expert Lecture in training programme for WAPCOS on "Analysis, Design and Construction of Tunnels and Underground Structures" from 6th to 12th January 2020
- Delivered Expert Lecture in Workshop for IRCON and Indian Railways on “Tunnelling in Himalayas” at IIT Jammu (2017)
- Successfully completed 1 week LARAM 2020 course organised at IIT Roorkee
- Workshop for KONKAN Railways on “Tunnelling in Himalayas” at IIT Delhi (2013)
- Workshop for IRCON and Indian Railways on “Tunnelling in Himalayas” at IIT Jammu (2017)
- Worked on Large Scale Direct Shear testing of jointed rocks for Anjikhad Rail Link Project (IRCON)
- Numerical Simulation of Delhi metro tunnel under blast loads
- Involved in the Development of Impact Testing Facility and Creep Testing Facility at IIT Delhi
- Member of Organising Committee for IMPLAST 2022 conference at IIT Madras
TitleJournal Publications:-Description- Kumar, A., Manna B, Rao KS. Dynamic response of block foundations resting on soil–rock and rock–rock system under vertical excitation. Indian Geotechnical Journal. 2013 Mar; 43:83-95. (ESCI, Q2, IF – 1.5)
- Rao KS, and Kumar A. Geological and engineering behavior of oil shale. Journal of Engineering Geology (Special Publication). 2015; 319-331.
- Darshyamkar R, Kumar A, Manna B. Investigation of block foundations resting on soil–rock and rock–rock media under coupled vibrations. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 2017 Apr 1;9(2):305-17. (SCIE, Q1, IF-9.4)
- Mishra S, Rao KS, Gupta NK, Kumar A. Damage to shallow tunnels under static and dynamic loading. Procedia engineering. 2017 Jan 1;173:1322-9.
- Mishra S, Rao KS, Gupta NK, Kumar A. Damage to shallow tunnels in different geomaterials under static and dynamic loading. Thin-Walled Structures. 2018 May 1;126:138-49. (SCI, Q1, IF- 5.7)
- Dhamne R, Mishra S, Kumar A, Rao KS. Numerical study of the cross-sectional shape of shallow tunnels subjected to impact and blast loading. Journal of Engineering Geology. 2018;43(1-2):23-37.
- Roy N, Bharti SD, Kumar A. Seismic isolation of tunnels in blocky rock mass using expanded polystyrene (EPS) Geofoam. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions. 2019 Dec;4:1-7. (ESCI, Q2, IF – 2.2)
- Mishra S, Kumar A, Rao KS, Gupta NK. Experimental and numerical investigation of the dynamic response of tunnel in soft rocks. InStructures 2021 Feb 1 (Vol. 29, pp. 2162-2173). (SCIE, Q1, IF- 3.9)
- Roy N, Kumar A, Rao KS. Stability Analysis of Failed Slope in Tindharia Region, West Bengal, India—A Case Study. Journal of the Geological Society of India. 2021 Aug; 97:887-92. (SCIE, Q3, IF- 1.5)
- Dhamne RR, Mishra S, Kumar A, Rao KS. Deformation behavior of D-Shaped shallow tunnels under dynamic loading conditions. InStructures 2021 Oct 1 (Vol. 33, pp. 3973-3983). (SCIE, Q1, IF- 3.9)
- Chappidi S, Kumar A, Singh J. Geothermal energy extraction from abandoned oil and gas wells using mono and hybrid nanofluids. Geothermics. 2023 Nov 1; 114:102794. (SCIE, Q1, IF – 3.5)
- Chappidi S, Kumar A, Singh J. Current scenario and prospects of geothermal resources for sustainable energy in India. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy. 2023 Sep;89(3):483-511. (ESCI, Q3, IF – 0.9)
- Lohar GK, Kumar A, Roy N. Numerical Assessment of Time-Dependent Deformation of a Road Tunnel—a Case Study. Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology. 2023 Mar 28:1-23. (ESCI, Q2, IF – 2.6)
- Chappidi S, Kumar A, Singh J. Geothermal Energy Extraction Using a Novel Combined Coaxial and U-Shaped Closed-Loop System. Geothermics. 2024 May 1; 119:102968. (SCIE, Q1, IF – 3.5)
- Satheesh PV, Lohar GK, Kumar A. Analyzing creep behavior of storage caverns in weak rocks. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 2024 Aug; 42(6):4609-26. (ESCI, Q2, IF – 2.0)
- Lohar GK, Kumar A, Roy N. Design and analysis of shotcrete lining in tunnels under squeezing ground conditions: a case study of Atal tunnel. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 2024 Nov; 42(8):6857-88. (ESCI, Q2, IF – 2.0)
- Chappidi S, Kumar A, Singh J. Novel hybrid coaxial-U-shaped closed-loop geothermal system for enhanced energy extraction: a numerical analysis. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects. 2024 Dec 31; 46(1):5399-411. (SCI, Q1, IF - 2.4)
- Lohar GK, Kumar A, Roy N. Time-dependent longitudinal deformation profiles for circular tunnels in squeezing ground conditions: a Seri Nala case study. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 2025 Jan; 84(1):58. (SCIE, Q1, IF - 4.2)
- Chappidi S, Kumar A, Singh J. Techno-Economic Assessment of Geothermal Energy Extraction from Abandoned Oil and Gas Fields Using Hybrid U-shaped Closed-Loop System. Energy. 2025 Mar 6:135473. (SCIE, Q1, IF - 9.0)
TitleConference Publications:-Description- Kumar, A., Manna, B., & Rao, K. (2013). Behaviour of Block Foundation Resting on Soil-Rock and Rock-Rock Medium Under Vertical Vibration. INDOROCK 2013: Fourth Indian Rock Conference.
- Gautam, A. K., Kumar, A., & Manna, B. (2014). Dynamic Behaviour of Socketed Single Pile in Rocks under Vertical Vibration. INDOROCK-2014: 5th Indian rock conference.
- Kumar, A., & Rao, K. S. (2015, March). Engineering behavior of oil shale at elevated temperature and confining pressure. In 5th Young Indian Geotechnical Engineers Conference.
- Darshyamkar, R., Manna, B., & Kumar, A. (2015). Dynamic Response of Block Foundation Resting on Layered System Under Coupled Vibration. In Advances in Structural Engineering: Dynamics, Volume Two (pp. 1575-1585). Springer India.
- Rao, K. S., & Kumar, A. (2016, May). Petrophysical and engineering behavior of oil shale from Assam, India. In ISRM International Conference on Rock Dynamics (pp. ISRM-ROCDYN). ISRM.
- Rao, K. S., & Kumar, A. (2016, August). Engineering behavior of Indian oil shales. In ISRM EUROCK (pp. ISRM-EUROCK). ISRM.
- Chala, E. T., Rao, K. S., Mishra, S., & Kumar, A. (2016, October). Geomechanical properties of volcanic rocks from Deccan Traps, India. In ISRM Brazilian Symposium on Rock Mechanics-SBMR (pp. ISRM-SBMR). ISRM.
- Singh, A., Kumar, A., & Rao, K. S. (2018, October). Strength behaviour of anisotropic rock under true triaxial stress state. In ISRM International Symposium-Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (pp. ISRM-ARMS10). ISRM.
- Burnwal, R. K., & Kumar, A. (2022). Strength behaviour of shale rock subjected to polyaxial stress state: a numerical approach. In Geo-Congress 2022 (pp. 617-628).
- Chappidi, S., Kumar, A., & Singh, J. (2022, June). A Short Review on Wellbore Heat Exchangers. In International Conference in Fluid, Thermal and Energy Systems (pp. 145-155). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Mishra, S., Kumar, A., Rao, K. S., & Gupta, N. K. (2022, August). An Experimental Approach to Analyze the Effect of Impact Loading on Shallow Tunnels in Weak Rockmass. In International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics (pp. 203-217). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Kumar, A., Mishra, S., & Rao, K. S. (2022, December). Brittle–Ductile Transition of Oil Shale. In Indian Geotechnical Conference (pp. 113-122). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Lohar, G., Kumar, A., & Roy, N. (2022, December). Numerical Back Analyses of Time-Dependent Deformations of Tunnels in the Himalayas. In Indian Geotechnical Conference (pp. 235-244). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Satheesh, P. V., Lohar, G., & Kumar, A. (2022, December). Time-Dependent Behaviour of Underground Openings in Rock Salt. In Indian Geotechnical Conference (pp. 153-162). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Naveen, M., & Kumar, A. (2022, December). Behavior of Rock Socketed Pile in Jointed and Weathered Rockmass Under Earthquake Loading. In Indian Geotechnical Conference (pp. 129-138). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Srinivas, C., Kumar, A., & Singh, J. (2022, December). The Extraction of Geothermal Energy from Hot Dry Rock: A Potential Green Energy Source. In Indian Geotechnical Conference (pp. 255-267). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Lohar, G. K., Kumar, A., & Roy, N. (2023) Numerical Assessment of the Response of Tunnel Support System in Squeezing Ground Conditions, IGC2023, IIT Roorke
- Chappidi, S., Kumar, A., & Hrishikesh, C. (2023). Effect of Weathering on the Stability of the Shallow Tunnels, IGC2023, IIT Roorkee