Industry - Academia Conclave 6.0 commences at IIT Palakkad

Fri, 20th Sep, 2024 - 01:00 am

IIT Palakkad hosts the sixth edition of its Industry-Academia Conclave aimed at fostering collaboration between academia and industry. The inaugural day featured Dr. Sreenivas Naidu, Senior General Manager, research and development, IW ZF Wind Power from ZF Group. Following the inaugural ceremony, Prof. A. Seshadri Sekhar, Director, IIT Palakkad, addressed the gathering. The conclave featured a special keynote address by Prof. Sreedevi Upadhyayula from IIT Delhi. She delivered a lecture on thermochemical water-splitting process development. Adding to the event's significance, Prof. Anand T.N.C., Dean Academics, and Dr. Aravind Ajoy, Associate Dean, ICSR, addressed the attendees.