Electrical Engineering

PhD Scholar
Wireless communication
PhD scholar
Microwave Remote Sensing, Weather Radar Signal Processing
Ph.D. Research Scholar
Power Electronics and Power Systems
Research Scholar
Junior Technical Superintendent (JTS -EE)
Research Scholar
Nonlinear and Geometric optimal control
Assistant Professor
Power Electronics
Research Scholar
Wireless communication
MS (By Research)
PhD Research Scholar
RF, Microwave and Antennas
Assistant Professor
Power Electronics, Motor Drives, Power converter topology and control, Multilevel power converters, Advanced Control Systems, Pulse Width Modulation and switching techniques, Power Electronics and Power Systems
Associate Professor
Micro/Nanoelectronics and Instrumentation
Research Scholar
Robotics and Power Electronics
Research Scholar
Control and Robotics
Research Scholar
Networked Control System
Research scholar
Weather Radar, Radar Meteorology
Research Scholar
Measurements and Instrumentation
Research Scholar
Digital VLSI Design
Research Scholar
Research Scholar
VLSI Signal Processing
Research Scholar
Power system
Research Scholar
Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging
Research Scholar
PhD Scholar
Digtal VLSI Design, Digital VLSI Circuits and Systems
Assistant Professor
5G Cellular networks, Wireless communication, Statistical signal processing
Research Scholar
Wireless communication
PhD Scholar
Robotics, Control and Robotics, Robotics and Control
Research Scholar
MS Student
Nanoelectronics, Plasmonics and Semiconductor devices
Associate Professor
Signal Processing for Signal Quality Assessment, Noise Recognition, Denoising, Feature Extraction and Compression, VLSI Signal Processing Architectures for Enery-Efficient Event Detection and Monitoring Systems, AI/Machine Learning for Event Recognition, Internet of Things - Energy Consumption Reduction Strategies, Cognitive Radios and Data Security, Multimodal Information Processing, Image Processing - RGB, RADAR, LiDAR, SONAR, Thermal/IR and Hyperspectral
Research Scholar
Biomedical Ultrasound Imaging
Assistant Professor
Power System Engineering, Wide Area Monitoring System, Power System Dynamics, Power System Protection
Junior Technical Superintendent
Micro Grid Protection, Smart Grid
Research Scholar
Ultrasound Imaging
Research Scholar
RF and Microwave
Research scholar
Assistant Professor
Reliability Assessment and Improvement in Modular Power Electronic Converters, Fault Detection and Localization in Power Converters, Electromagnetic Interference Issues in Wide Bandgap-based Power Converters
PhD. Research Scholar
• Measurements and Instrumentation
PhD Scholar
Antennas and Applied Electromagnetics, RF and Microwave Integrated Circuits
MS Scholar (Part Time)
• Measurements and Instrumentation
Technical Superintendent
Measurements and Instrumentation
Biomedical Ultrasound, Biomedical Ultrasound Imaging
Technical Superintendent
Biomedical Ultrasound
Research Scholar
MS (By Research)
digital vlsi design, Signal Processing and Imaging
Research Scholar
Adjunct Faculty
Research Scholar
Research Scholar
Nanoelectronics/ Resistive Switching Devices, Memristor-based Neuromorphic computing platforms
Associate Professor
PhD Scholar
Digital VLSI Design
MS Student
PhD Scholar
Research scholar
Brain-Computer Interface Systems
Technical Superintendent
Power system protection and stability
Junior Technician
Visiting Professor
Assistant Professor
Networked control systems, Optimal control, Reinforcement learning, Approximate dynamic programming
Power Electronics
MSc -PhD Research Scholar
RF Remote sensing and Quantum Radar, A Paradigm Shift from Classical Microwave Remote Sensing to its Quantum Analogy, Metamaterial
Research Scholar
Biomedical Signal Processing
Assistant Professor
Nonlinear control; robotics; geometric mechanics; adaptive control
Assistant Professor
Sensors and Instrumentation
Reasearch Scholar
RF, Microwave and Antennas, Dual-polarization antennas, Phased Array Weather Radars, Metamaterials, Beamforming
Assistant Professor
VLSI Signal Processing, Digital VLSI Circuits and Systems, Adaptive Signal Processing
Associate Professor
RF Circuits and Antennas
Research scholar
PhD Scholar
Power System Protection, Renewable Integration
Assistant Professor
RF and Microwave, Weather Radar, Microwave Remote Sensing, Microwave Radiometer
PhD Scholar
Power System Protection
Assistant Professor
Robotics and Control
Research scholar
Control and Robotics
MS Research Scholar
Digital VLSI Design
MS Research Scholar
Sensors and Instrumentation